A Long Life Story
I’ve always been interested in unique, custom made quality products, and in creating a life style with luxury and distinction. Throughout my life, I focused my attention on making and finding exclusive and classical pieces with details and the quality from past times. As a young girl, I learned to crochet, hand embroidery, painting and sewing. During my college years, I dedicated my free time to interior designing, curating, and restoring vintage and antique pieces. As a conscious, professional woman and together with my husband, we were able to reclaim and create a great collection of antique, vintage, and special objects which make our house a timeless, cherished, and beautiful home.
Today, with my two sons graduated from college, the support of my husband, and the encouragement of my family and friends, I am able to open Divina Vintage. My mission is to offer you my wisdom and expertise in hand picking heirlooms and memorable, treasures. My goal is to make shopping at Divinavintage.com a one of a kind experience of love, history and nostalgia.
Divina Espinal